We invite you to attend People of African Descent New Thought Conference, "Celebrating Our Soul". This conference will be held at Unity Village, Kansas City, MO, August 1 - 4, 2024. We will retrieve the richness together and remind each other of the sacred victories that have brought us to this moment in time. For this leg of our evolution, we become poised for our divine future.
This conference will feature the wisdom of some of the greatest spiritual teachers, workshops to inspire and transform you, music to open the heart, and laughter and compassionate service to affirm our spiritual humanity. It will truly be a gathering for the ages, and you can help make a difference with your financial support and participation.
We have a robust youth agenda, spiritual practices including prayer, meditation, and yoga to start the day.
Then join us at the “Celebrating Our Soul” New Thought Conference hosted at Unity Village, Kansas City, MO, August 1- 4, 2024. This is our second year of hosting this ground-breaking conference and we are sure you do not want to miss this celebration of People of African Descent within the New Thought commUNITY.
We are so happy you have decided to join us and we look forward to our journey to "Celebrating Our Soul". Regarding housing, PLEASE NOTE THAT THE UNITY HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER is not available. Accommodations for the 2024 conference are in process. Information on accommodations will be posted as soon as they are available.
We are excited about connecting with you at the “Celebrating Our Soul” Conference.
Welcome Home! You are in the home of PADNTG (People of African Descent New Thought Group). We are comprised of Centers for Spiritual Living, Unity, Universal Foundation for Better Living, Agape, Hillside and more!
Here is what is unique about our community:
Vision Statement: Our vision is to recover our ancestral wisdom to educate, empower and to transform the consciousness of all participants toward a deeper wisdom and a greater love.
Purpose Statement: Our purpose is to celebrate that we are here, we have survived and we are thriving and poised to thrive even more. We intend for POAD (People of African Decent) to come together and learn and share spiritual principles that can be used to improve their own lives and their communities. Our abundance and wealth include this family of shared values and a dedication to Truth and Goodness.
Founding Members of People of African Descent New Thought Group from left to right. Top Row: Rev. Anna Price, Rev. Carolyn Douglas, Rev. Sandra Campbell, Rev. Gaylon McDowell, Rev. Edith Washington-Woods Bottom Row: Rev. Celeste Frazier, Rev. Shirley Lawson, Rev. D. Jacquelyn Edwards, Rev. Rodney Gittens, Rev. Vernell Nelson.
Not Pictured: Rev. Jerry Hobby Rev. Carol Hunt and Rev. Linda McLeod.